Latest MCQ's

Q Which transmission mode is used for data communication along telephone lines?

  • A Parallel
  • B Serial
  • C Synchronous
  • D Asynchronous

Q Which of the following device is used to connect to systems, especially if the systems have different protocols?

  • A Hub
  • B Bridge
  • C Gateway
  • D Repeater

Q The complexity of merge sort algorithm is ___________.

  • A 0(n)
  • B 0(log n)
  • C 0(n2)
  • D 0(n log n)

Q Twisted pair, coaxial and fiber optic cables are the example of ________ transmission medium.

  • A Guided
  • B Unguided
  • C Dispersed
  • D None of these

Q In OSI model, as a data packet moves from lower to upper layers, headers are _________.

  • A Added
  • B Removed
  • C Rearranged
  • D None of these

Q The transfer of information from memory to outside environment is _________.

  • A Read operation
  • B Write operation
  • C Transfer operation
  • D None of these

Q In operating system, each process has its own __________ .

  • A Open files
  • B Address space and global variables
  • C Pending alarms, signals and signal handlers
  • D All of these

Q The address of the next instruction to be executed by the current process is provided by the:

  • A CPU Registers
  • B Process stack
  • C Program Counter
  • D Pipe