Latest MCQ's

Q The historical approach to language study, which investigates the changes in languages through time is said to be?

  • A Synchronic
  • B Idiosyncrasy
  • C Diachronic
  • D Dynamic

Q The Syllables in which the consonants function as nucleus are called

  • A Syllabic Consonants
  • B Sibilants
  • C Suffixes
  • D None of these

Q The preceding sound influencing the following sound is an instance of________assimilation?

  • A Progressive
  • B Regressive
  • C Reciprocal
  • D None of these

Q _______is a process of word formation by which new words are formed by attaching prefixes or suffixes to the base form?

  • A Compounding
  • B Portmanteau
  • C Derivation
  • D Backformation

Q ______are gliding sounds and during their articulation, the speech organs glide from one vowel position to another:

  • A Diphthongs
  • B Triphthongs
  • C Semi-vowels
  • D Minimal Pairs

Q Who introduced in linguistics the concept similar to Saussure's 'Langue and Parole?

  • A Leonard bloom filed
  • B Charles Sanders Pierce
  • C Edward Sapir
  • D Noam Chomsky

Q Language learning processes, like how language is acquired, how language is stored in the brain, how language is accessed and processed by the brain, are studied under?

  • A Socio-linguistics
  • B Applied linguistics
  • C Psycho-linguistics
  • D Semantics

Q A grammar containing properties common to all languages and innately present in human beings is called:

  • A Transformational Grammar
  • B Syntax
  • C Universal Grammar
  • D All of these